VERY CLOSELY! Students are offered admission with the assumption that they will complete all In-Progress and/or Planned coursework as outlined on their PharmCAS and Supplemental Applications. Deviating from that plan without approval from our office is grounds for a potential re-review of the admissions file and, perhaps, revoking the offer of admission. Admitted students are provided with instructions on how to request an approval for course changes or drops.
One cannot have a great plan, get admitted, then drop the plan!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Once a person is accepted, how closely do they have to follow their planned courses exactly, or is it okay that they omit a non-prereq course?
Are you going to make the April 1st deadline?
Yes, of course we will make our April 1st notification deadline. We are right on track!
A quick update: We've sent out MANY admission offers already -- and received MANY acceptance confirmations! On the flip-side, we've also sent out MANY denial letters to date. We will send out another batch of offer letters, and unfortunately, another batch of denial letters. Waitlist letters will also go out.
It feels good to be wrapping up another admissions cycle.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Is there at all any preference between applicants who are in-state versus out-of state? Seems on forum sites (SDN) that most currently accepted students are from California. I'm trying to be absolutely patient and hopeful for good mail.
Good question. A couple of things to keep in mind:
1. First and foremost, be careful when reading online forums. I think it's easy to get caught up in the information being thrown about. They are public forums. Anyone can say anything -- even post false information. (For instance, I've read posts where posters have indicated they've been offered admission at a time when we've sent NO offers out! And then panic sets in from others who read that.) I also think it's easy to get caught up in thinking that the forums include EVERYONE who has applied or interviewed or accepted -- when in reality, it's only a few posters.
2. We don't have an in-state or out-of-state preference. We select our interview pool from those who apply to our program. The vast majority of our applicants are from California; therefore the majority of our interviewees are from CA. The majority of our entering class is from CA. If we received thousands of applicants from Tennessee, we'd probably interview a lot of people from Tennessee. And we'd have many Tennesseans in our entering class. But we don't.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
What's the number one most annoying question applicants ask you during this point in the admissions process?
I wouldn't call it "annoying" so much as "odd". We get so many questions about the wait list (usually "How many people on the wait list?") I find it odd because we have a ranked wait list and everyone on the wait list knows exactly what their number is. If someone is ranked #6, what does it matter if there are 16, 26, or 6,000 on the wait list? You're still #6. What's important to know is WHERE YOU ARE on the wait list, now how many people are behind you. Right?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Do you ever get papercuts from stuffing envelopes?
"Only when we're lucky!" said the vampire.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Have you ever received angry letters from rejected applicants?
Yes. Those letters -- or angry responses -- are quite telling and reinforce the decision of the Admissions committee that the applicant isn't a good fit for our program. (How someone responds to a set-back can be more insightful than how they respond to success.)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Hello! I was wondering if you are sending admission decisions daily or every so often (in batches)?
Does it have to be one or the other?
(By the way, we did prepare a batch of letters on Friday -- both offers and denials -- but it was AFTER the 9am mail service deadline -- so nothing went out. It's currently sitting in the outgoing mail box. So no one has been notified either way.)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Does UCSF accept community college courses to fulfill prerequisite requirements?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Just another day at UCSF...
“We are intent on finding new ways to improve the quality and safety of our care, while increasing patient satisfaction,” said Mark Laret, CEO, UCSF Medical Center and UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. “The automated pharmacy helps us achieve that and at the same time, advance our mission as a leading teaching hospital and research institution.