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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oh, but I need more space!

As the application deadline approaches, we've received many questions regarding the need for MORE space/lines for a particular subject-area on the prerequisite page. No problem! The application will only allow you to upload one form. However, we have an easy solution -- but it requires an extra step. Instructions are outlined below.

We encourage you to fit all prerequisite requirements on one page. For example, if you’ve taken separate lecture/lab courses during the same quarter/semester and received the same grade in both, simply list both on the same line, listing the total units for the combined courses.

If there are not enough spaces for you to list all courses for a particular subject area, you should use an additional downloadable .pdf page (page 2) to list only the courses that won’t fit on the first page. Please read the notes below carefully:
  1. The first page of prerequisites must be uploaded/attached to your UCSF Application. Follow instructions on the application. Failure to do so will result in a cancelled application
  2. Your additional page (page 2) should be saved using this format: LastName_FirstName-YourPharmCAS#-Pg2.  Failure to save this page in this format could result in an incomplete application.
  3. Once you have submitted the UCSF Supplemental Application, email your additional page (page 2) to admissions(at)pharmacy.ucsf.edu. We will manually add it to your application.
  4. Do not list extraneous courses or courses that do not fulfill our requirement. Do not list extra courses beyond our minimum requirement. Listing extraneous or additional courses could result in your application being cancelled for not following instructions. 
And since you know I love posts with photos.... (Note: This is just a snapshot of the form, not the actual form -- which is downloadable from within the application!)

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