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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Should the LORs come from people that know me longer or people that know me for a shorter time but have better articulation skills? Thanks!

You shouldn't have to sacrifice one for the other. Your letters should come from individuals who know you well AND can articulate that in a letter. A letter from someone that doesn't know you very well can't possibly be very detailed or provide helpful information to the Admissions Committee. A person that can't articulate themselves and address those areas being asked about (in the PharmCAS letter of recommendation) will probably not serve you well. Right? I addressed this issue in a previous post: http://pharmdadmissions.ucsf.edu/2008/09/are-letters-of-recommendation-really.html

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say, thank you for this "recap" on LORs. I was looking for your previous post on this topic and was glad to find your link at the bottom of this post!

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